About Us
The E. Zobel Foundation Inc. was established by the founder Enrique Zobel in 1990. A non-stock, non-profit organization registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). It is also an accredited "donee institution" registered under the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC).
The Foundation strives through its advocacies in Education, Community Health & Nutrition, Socio-Economic, and Legacy programs to enrich lives in Calatagan, Batangas, initially, and in the rest of society eventually. The Foundation brings together both the private and public sectors in implementing sustainable programs that lead to capacitation and improvement, both in the individual and in the community.
The Founder
Enrique Jacobo Emilio Olgado Zobel was born on January 7, 1927, the only child of Col. Jacobo Roxas Zobel and Angela Olgado, and the eldest of the 7th generation of the Zobel family. He led an active and successful life.
He recognized his greater responsibility to help others without expectation or repayment. He believed that if those blessed financially, intellectually, or socially, embrace the responsibility to help those who are less fortunate, then we would have a more caring and cooperative society with a sense of community.
EZ established a foundation under his name for the purpose of advancing the opportunities for education of the youth of Calatagan, Batangas. He believed that through education there is hope for a better life.
It was almost as if he had a premonition of things to come. Sadly, one year after he set up the E. Zobel Foundation, he suffered a near fatal accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down.
With EZ’s son Iñigo taking over the day-to-day business concerns, EZ focused more on the Foundation, deciding to concentrate his efforts in Batangas, particularly in Calatagan.
Over the years, EZ supported many causes --- land reform, cattle dispersal, micro-finance, support for the disabled sector, medical center renovations, medical missions, and scholarships.
When he died on May 17, 2004, local and international newspapers published a sheaf of obituaries, hailing him as a visionary, a mogul, the taipan of all taipans, an accomplished pilot, the quintessential businessman, a philanthropist, feisty, controversial, a maverick, a restless Filipino, a champion for social change and a deeply spiritual person. The composite painted the portrait of a man larger than life.

Strategic Vision
E. Zobel Foundation is an agent of social change that supports individual growth, transformation, and self-sufficiency to create a more caring and cooperative society through an inclusionary development paradigm that impacts and improves all lives.
Calatagan women checked under the breast care program
Children fed through complementary food interventions made from rice and mongo beans in 2023
Scholars assisted financially (current and alumni)
Calatagan-based public schools supported through infrastructure and development projects
Board of Trustees

Mercedes U. Zobel

Inigo U. Zobel

Enrique Antonio Filamor

Jose Antonio Rafael Santos
Corporate Secretary

Jonel Funtanar, CPA
Head of Audit & Tax

Paulino Buenconsejo
Executive Director